We can supply the following products wherever and whenever you require them
We have close relationships with the main clinker producers in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Caribbean, and the Americas from whom we have reliable supply of guaranteed clinker quality at competitive prices.

Bulk and bagged cement
We source both bulk and bagged cement from first class producers in Europe which enables us to offer competitive supplies to West Africa and the Americas.

From our owned quarries in South Spain, we produce gypsum in bulk controlling the overall process to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. We have regular flows from Spain to West Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

From various quarries located in the Mediterranean, we source pozzolan which is distributed to our customers in the Mediterranean.

Grounded and granulated blast furnace slags
We have regular flows of various qualities of GBFS and GGBFS which we source from reliable suppliers in Asia with whom we have close relationships. This enables us to offer our customers the best quality vs price product which is delivered in Africa, Europe and South America.

Fly ash
From top producers located in Asia and Europe we distribute fly ash to our customers worldwide.


